Sunday 18 January 2015

Ekmek perfect fridge cake

What we need:
600g. kadaifi
300g. butter
Toasted crushed almonds 
pistachio nuts for the top
5 cups sugar
3 cups water
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 slice of lemon peel 
1 1/2 liter of milk
6 tablespoons cornflower
5 tablespoons semolina
3 egg yolks
1 1/2 cup sugar
2 vanilla
lemon zest
2x 375g of fresh cream wiped with 1tbl. Vanilla sugar 
toasted almond slivers

1) hackle very well the  kataifi and Butter well with the melted unsalted butter lay in the baking pan and bake slowly until golden browned let it cool
2) Prepare the syrup
In a sauce pan place the sugar the water and lemon juice and the slice of the lemon. Stir only once and let it cook until it reaches boiling point simmer a bit more and take off heat let it cool
3) when syrup is cooled ladle over the kadaifi 
4) Mix all the ingredients of the cream in a saucepan and put them on the fire to thicken, stirring constantly.
5) Spread the cream on the cooked and syrup kadaifi and wait to cool.
6) Beat the Fresh cream until it's nice and thick and spread the whipped cream over the cooled custard (making sure that the custard is cold to touch) sprinkle end with almond slivers and chopped  Pistachio nuts and place in the fridge for a few hours or the night before before you serve! 

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