Tuesday 31 March 2015

Home made Tomato Sauce


6kg of red capsicums
3-4 kg of ripened tomatoes 
4 tbls of brown sugar
1-2kg of brown large onions 
1 bunch of Celery
200g of fresh red chillies 
5-6 gloves of garlic 
2 tbls of dried oregano 
2 tbls of dried Basel 
2 tbls of garlic powder
 1 cup of olive oli 
Salt and freshly ground pepper to your taste

6 sterilised jars or bottles 
1 very large sauce pan 
Water to boil 


 Wash and chop tomatoes capsicums onions chillies garlic and celery and place in a blender until well blended.pore in the olive oil oregano Basel garlic powder salt and pepper and Brent to mix. 

Pore sause in to sterilised jars or bottles and seal with their leads very tightly and place them in the the large pan upside down. Fill pan with water to cover all jars or bottles  be careful as it will be havy. Best to place the pan on stove before filling it up. Cover and cook on low heat at least for 1-2 hours. 
This method will help to cook sauce and seal and heals to preserve for at least a year in our pantry! 

After sauce has been simmering for max2 hours turn heat off and leave jars in over night if possible and take out the next day. Wipe jars and it's ready to put in pantry. When jars are open and not all us used then make sure to but in the fridge. Thus sause is great for making any pasta or meat dishes including as a pizza base enjoy! 

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